Study Guides – BGPs2023-10-22T23:32:52+00:00

The Study Guides aka BGPs is research from the chairs with important information on both topics of each committee. Delegates and Advisors are highly encouraged to read them prior to the conference.

CLICK HERE to read the BGP for the Arab League

CLICK HERE to read the BGP for the DISEC Committee

CLICK HERE to read the BGP for the ECOSOC Committee

CLICK HERE to read the BGP for the Environmental Committee

CLICK HERE to read the BGP for the Fictional Committee

CLICK HERE to read the BGP for the Historical Crisis Committee

CLICK HERE to read the BGP for the NATO Committee

CLICK HERE to read the BGP for the Security Council

CLICK HERE to read the BGP for the SOCHUM I Committee

CLICK HERE to read the BGP for the SOCHUM II Committee

CLICK HERE to read the BGP for the SPECPOL Committee

CLICK HERE to read the BGP for the WHO Committee